Treat yourself
"Best stuff in the world. This lip balm is as regular for me as my shirt and pants. I never go without it." - Joe from Hartford, AL
Best lip balm ever!
I have very dry lips. These are not your once a while winter dry lips. These are year round forever dry lips. Due to this I stopped wearing lipstick because it would not go on smoothly. I have scrubbed, applied lip masks, smeared oil on them basically everything I have tried out.
I must have easily spent around $100+ on all types of lips balms. Here are the lips balms I have tired: EOS, Burt Bees, Carmex, Vaseline, La Mer, Eminence, lips balms brought in farmers markets, oils like Olive Oil, Apricot Oil, Almond Oil, Vitamin E.
Nothing ever worked. They didn't even soften my lips. I got this lip balm simply because I had not tried an EMU oil lip balm before.
The first time I used it, in 10 min my lips were soft. I could not believe it. I thought this would go away, 2 hrs. later my lips were still soft. So I applied lip balm again. The best one to tell me if this really worked would be my husband and sure enough he mentioned your lips are so soft today! :)
So, here is what I did. I ordered the other EMU oil lip balm available on amazon to see how that one works and it did not work for me like this one.
So I don't know what it is that is special about this one, but I am a customer for life now. I will not even look elsewhere now.
I do have to apply this every 3 - 4 hrs. and the moment I stop, my dry lips are back in a day. As I said, for me having soft lips itself is a miracle so this is what I will be using now. -DJ