About Us
We are a family owned business located in Headland, Alabama. We have been in the Emu Oil business since 1998. Our sister company was HOPCO (HEADLAND OIL PROCESSING COMPANY). HOPCO is the only Emu Oil processor that uses molecular distillation in the United States. After attending Texas A&M for a short course/workshop on rendering and processing of Ratite Oils we chose to use molecular distillation for our method of refining. We also have utilized Marie Minnaar"s book "The Emu Farmers Handbook" extensively. In her book on page 226 Volume 2 she states that in the physical refining, crude oil is refined without the use of chemicals and in the final
deodorizing process she states that the molecular still is the preferred way. After 14 years of oil processing we still feel this is the best process to utilize. Our process still meets and exceeds AEA standards and Minnaars guidlines.
The owner of HOPCO has assisted in the set up and training of operating the Molecular Still in businesses in several other countries including India and China.We process oil for our own line of Emu Oil and Skin Care Products known as EMU MIRACLES. We also render oil for other companies for their line of skincare products.